The following table lists the inventory reports. The table entries are organized by business process component and then alphabetically by report name.

Business process component

Report name


Inventory close

Cost price for receipts

Displays the cost price of receipts.

Inventory movement

Displays information about in-flows and out-flows from inventory.

Open quantities

Lists the open quantities, which are items that have not yet been financially updated.

Inventory adjustments

Adjustment settlements

Displays adjusted inventory transactions or adjustment settlements.

Inventory recalculation

Open quantities

Lists the open quantities, which are items that have not yet been financially updated.

Inventory batch processing

ABC classification, locations

Displays information about proposed zone and picking area based on the calculated ABC classification.

Adjustment settlements

Displays adjusted inventory transactions or adjustment settlements.

Certificate of analysis

Displays a certificate of analysis for a selected certificate, or for a selected customer, vendor, item, date, or for other criteria.

Check inventory settlements

Displays information so that you can check whether the sum of all of the settled cost amounts in the company currency per item, configuration, and transaction date in the inventory settlement records equals 0 (zero).

Correction report

Displays information about corrections for nonconformance.

Cost category rates

Displays information about the cost records for cost categories.

Cost price for receipts

Displays the cost price of receipts.

Counting statistics

Displays counting statistics that indicate the number of lines counted accurately and the number of lines counted inaccurately

Critical on-hand inventory

Displays the on-hand inventory that is below the minimum, on the basis of on-hand inventory and inventory dimensions.

Date items

Displays a list of batches where the expiration date has been exceeded.

Indirect cost rate and ration

Displays information about the cost records for indirect cost calculation formulas.


Lists items and calculates the ABC values for each item for the time period that is entered.

Inventory by inventory dimension aging report

Displays age-distributed on-hand values per selected inventory dimensions, according to end date.

Inventory by item group aging report

Displays the carrying costs or inventory levels for a list of items for the time period that is entered.

Inventory journal

Displays inventory physical transactions in chronological order, sorted by transaction date or by warehouses.

Inventory receipt, forecast and current

Displays information so that you can compare forecast purchases and realized purchases.

Inventory transactions

Displays inventory transactions.

Inventory turnover - forecast and current

Displays information so that you can compare forecast sales and realized sales.

Inventory turnover forecast

Displays information so that you can compare the sales budgets of two different periods.

Inventory value by inventory dimension

Displays the inventory value per inventory dimension for the date that you select.

Inventory value per item group

Displays the inventory value in quantity and amount, per date and per item group.

Inventory value statement

Displays inventory values during a specified time period.

Investigation of cost price for receipts

Displays items that are outside a maximum deviation for the cost price.

Item prices

Displays item cost records, either the cost records within a specified costing version or the active cost records.

Items in quarantine

Displays a list of items in quarantine.

Journal lines, Inventory

Displays information so that you can analyze inventory journal lines for the selected journal.


Displays the bill of material (BOM) lines or versions that comprise BOM items.

Nonconformance report

Displays information about nonconformances.

Nonconformance tag

Displays information about tags for a nonconformance so that a tag can accompany the defective material.

On-hand inventory

Displays on-hand inventory by quantity on the basis of on-hand inventory and inventory dimensions.

Open quantities

Lists the open quantities, which are items that have not yet been financially updated.

Ordered items

Displays an overview of items that were ordered for purchase or production on the basis of inventory transactions.

Packing material fee calculation

Displays the packaging material fees according to the packaging material code.

Packing material weight

Displays the purchase packaging material transactions within a specific period.

Packing material weight - sales

Displays the sales packaging material transactions within a specific period.

Pallet label

Displays a list of pallet labels with pallet identification (ID) numbers and bar codes.

Pallet label (RFID)

Displays a list of pallet labels with pallet ID numbers and tag IDs.

Physical inventory by inventory dimension

Displays physical inventory according to selected inventory dimension, according to specified date.

Physical inventory by item group

Displays the physical inventory per item group on the date specified.

Picking list

Displays information that helps you to record material consumption in the picking list journals for production.

Picking locations

Displays information about picking locations in the warehouses and the items that are configured to be stored at each picking location.

Posted inventory value for services

Displays inventory values for charged items in the selected period, where the post financial inventorycheck box in the Inventory model groupsform was clear at the time of the update.

Price list

Lists items within price agreements listing the quantity, price and currency.


Displays a list of item sales or purchase sales with price agreements.

Production variance

Displays information about variances for ended production orders.

Purchase forecast per item

Displays items and related purchase forecast information.

Reconciliation of inventory/ledger

Displays, on the basis of the inventory transactions, the reconciliation between the inventory and ledger balances for the selected period with subtotals for each ledger account.


Displays an overview of items that are on order or reserved.

Sales forecast per item

Displays items for related sales forecast information.

Serial number label (RFID)

Displays information so that you can prepare a list of item labels with case ID numbers and tag IDs.

Specification of physical quantity

Displays detailed information about physical quantity.

Specify inventory value

Displays information about inventory value.

Standard cost price deviations

Displays differences in the standard cost price per item and per item group on the basis of the inventory transactions.

Standard cost variance analysis

Displays information so that you can prepare information about historical variances for items with a standard cost inventory model.

Transfer overview

Displays the transfer order information.

Variance analysis statement

Displays information about production variances and purchase variances during a specified time period.