You can make changes to a sales order and these changes are automatically synchronized to the relevant intercompany purchase order and to the intercompany sales order.
NotePurchase orders for external vendors are not affected by any changes you make, and neither are the original sales lines connected to purchase-order lines for external vendors.
You can make the following changes:
Delete an original sales order.
The related intercompany purchase order and the intercompany sales order are also deleted. If the status of the order is or later in the process, it is not be possible to delete the sales order.
Delete an original sales-order line.
The related intercompany purchase-order line and the intercompany sales-order line are deleted. If the status of the order is or later in the process, it is not be possible to delete the sales order.
Add a new sales line to an original sales order.
The new sales line is created on both the intercompany purchase order and on the intercompany sales order.
Change the quantity on an original sales-order line.
The quantity is synchronized to the intercompany purchase-order line and the intercompany sales-order line. The net amount is recalculated on all the orders.
Disable direct delivery on an original sales order.
You cannot change the field on the original sales order if the intercompany sales-order line has reached a minimum status of , , or . The delivery address on the intercompany purchase order is changed to the standard delivery address (standard purchase-order delivery address), and the intercompany purchase-order lines are changed to the standard delivery address for lines too. Both are synchronized to the intercompany sales order and the lines. The delivery type on all lines on the original sales order is changed to , and the field is synchronized to the intercompany purchase-order lines. Purchase orders for external vendors are not affected, and neither are original sales lines connected to purchase-order lines for external vendors. The delivery date on the intercompany purchase order and lines, and the Requested receipt/shipping dates on the intercompany sales order and lines are updated.
Enable direct delivery on an original sales order.
If the intercompany sales-order line has reached a minimum status of , , or , you cannot change the field on the original sales order. The delivery address on the intercompany purchase order is changed to the delivery address from the original sales order and synchronized to the intercompany sales order. The delivery type on all lines on the original sales order is changed to , and the field is synchronized to the intercompany purchase-order lines. The delivery address on each original sales-order line is synchronized to both the intercompany purchase-order lines and to the intercompany sales-order lines. The delivery date on the intercompany purchase order and lines, and the Requested receipt/shipping dates on the intercompany sales order and lines are updated.
Add a note to both an original sales-order header and the lines.
The note is copied to the intercompany purchase order and the intercompany sales-order.
Change or delete a note.
If you change or delete a note, the corresponding note on the intercompany purchase order and the intercompany sales order is changed or deleted accordingly.