Because all modeling variables must belong to some group, you can add modeling variables to a product model only after you attach variable groups by clicking .
Click > Common Forms> .
Click .
In the upper pane, press CTRL+N to create a new line.
In the field, select the variable group that the modeling variable will belong to.
The field is used to control whether the product model variable will be printed on business documentation.
The field is used to indicate how the variables will be sorted when they are presented. Type the number of the variable that is being created here. If no priority is entered, the modeling variables will appear to the user in the order in which they were attached to the product model.
Select the modeling variable that you want to attach to the current product model in the field.
You can assign a default value to the variable in the field.
Select the check box if you want the variable's value to be inherited from a parent product model during item configuration.
Select the check box if you want the variable's value to be returned to a parent product model during item configuration.
Use the field to select whether the modeling variable is visible, editable, hidden, or mandatory in the form. If it is mandatory, the user will have to fill in a value for the variable during item configuration.
Select the check box if you want the variable to be included in the search criteria when the system performs a search for similar configurations.
This check box is visible only if the field in the form is set to or .