Click > > > > button.
Click the button and select .
In the form, select the method of payment with the eGiro Innbetaling Pluss import format in the Method of payment field.
Click OKto open the form. View or modify the information in the following fields.
: The bank account.
: Specify the file name and location to import the file from.
: Select this check box to total all the balance transactions in the ledger for a specific date.
: Select this check box to print the import file report.
: Select this check box to print the payment lines in the report.
: This check box is selected and the import file is archived to the database. You can view the archived file in the File archive form.
: Select this check box to analyze the imported payment lines with Rejected status.
: Select this check box to save the bank account information in the import file as the default bank account information for the customer if the customer bank details are not entered in the Bank account trap form.
Click OK to start the import process.
The payment lines in the import file are matched with the open customer transactions that are not settled and the status is updated accordingly.
After the import process is complete, the status of the payment lines in the [Label: @SYS22176, Payment status] field is changed to either [Label: @SYS10158, Approved] or [Label: @SYS7848, Rejected]. The reason for rejection of a payment line is displayed in the [Label: @SYS13887, Note] field on the [Label: @SYS828, Payment] tab.
You can validate and post the journal when all the payment lines have the Approved status.