If you change an intercompany sales or purchase order, the corresponding sales or purchase order in the sister company also reflects that change.
Adding new
You can add new lines to an Intercompany sales and purchase order if the original sales order is part of the Intercompany order chain, or if the original sales order is not a direct delivery. If the original sales order is a direct delivery, you can only add new order lines on the Intercompany sales and purchase order if the field is selected.
prices and discounts
You can change the prices and discounts if the and fields are selected in the form.
If you change the unit price of one of the existing lines on the intercompany sales order line, the unit price on the intercompany purchase order is changed also.
If you change any of the discount fields on the intercompany sales order line, Microsoft Dynamics AX updates the relevant discount fields on the intercompany purchase order.
Changing and
adding new miscellaneous charges
You can change miscellaneous charges if the and check boxes are selected in the form.
If you add a new miscellaneous charge to the intercompany sales order header and add a new miscellaneous charge to the intercompany sales line, Microsoft Dynamics AX copies both miscellaneous charges to the intercompany purchase order; therefore, the intercompany sales order and the intercompany purchase order have the same total amount. The miscellaneous charges are never copied to the original sales order.
Copying a
To copy a fee to the original sales order, create it as a new sales line; create this new sales line with an item of type .
quantities and deleting intercompany purchases and sales order
You can only change the quantity or delete an intercompany purchase or sales order line if the line has been created directly from the or form. This change will make either the intercompany purchase or sales order/order lines the source.
Types of
orders and order lines
Intercompany orders and order lines may have one of two statuses:
- The order was automatically created as a result of an intercompany order chain.
- The order was manually created by a user.
The status is indicated on the order header of intercompany purchase orders and sales orders in the field on the tab.
The concept of and only applies to intercompany orders. Therefore, the field will be blank for all other sales orders, purchase orders, and order lines. This field will also be blank on the original sales order.
Example of Derived
You create an original sales order for an external customer. This sales order contains one order line. This original sales order creates an intercompany purchase order that contains one order line, which creates an intercompany sales order that contains one order line. The intercompany purchase order header and the order line are automatically created from the original sales order.
The field on the intercompany purchase order header tab is . The purchase order line tab is also .
Likewise, the field on the intercompany sales order header tab and sales order line tab will be .
If an order line is , you cannot directly delete the order line; you can delete the order line only from the source that created the order line. Also, you can change the ordered quantity only from the source that created the order line.
If an original sales order and original sales order line is part of the Intercompany order chain, you can change ordered quantities from the original sales order, and you can delete order lines from the original sales order.
Example of Source
You create a purchase order for an Intercompany vendor. The intercompany purchase order and order line will both have the status . Therefore, this intercompany purchase order will be the controller and the automatically created intercompany sales order in the vendor company will be .
Additionally, the ordered quantities of an order line that is created on the Intercompany purchase order cannot be changed on the Intercompany sales order; the order line can only be deleted from the Intercompany purchase order. If a new line is added to the Intercompany sales order, then that Intercompany sales order line will have the origin as .
When an original sales order is part of the intercompany order chain, it is always possible to control the intercompany orders and intercompany order lines from the original sales order.