You can create as many sales tax authorities as you need, each with specific address and contact information and report layout. The company can pay sales taxes to the authority directly or through a vendor account that you create for the sales tax authority.
Press CTRL+N to create a new sales tax authority.
In the field, enter a unique identifier for the sales tax authority.
In the field, enter the full name or description of the sales tax authority.
(Optional) Set up a sales tax authority as a vendor. If you do this, the company can use its usual payment routines to pay the sales tax authority on time.
If you do not set up the tax authority as a vendor, someone must prepare a manual payment to the tax authority on the appropriate due date.
Select the report layout for your country/region, if one is available, in the field. If the report layouts do not correspond to the requirements of the sales tax authority, print a report that contains the information that the tax authority requires, and fill out the reporting forms that are supplied by the tax authority.
On the tab, enter values in the field, the field and, if appropriate, the fields for the posting of gains and losses that occur during rounding.
If you did not set up the sales tax authority as a vendor (step 5), fill in all relevant fields on the and tabs.