For repair management you can group problems systematically to help with suggesting solutions that have been successful in the past.
You set up symptoms, diagnosis, and resolution settings that can later be applied when you receive a similar item for repair. You can also set up repair stages to be able to follow the progress of a repair issue.
Symptoms are how the customer characterizes the problem, and it includes the customer observations that indicate the need for repair.
You can set up symptom areas, symptom codes, and conditions. The symptom area covers the area of malfunction, and the code covers the malfunction symptom. For example, if a computer is brought in for repair because of a failed hard disk, the hard disk is the symptom area and the symptom code is a blue screen. The condition is the situation in which the problem occurs. In this case it could be that after continuous use for two hours, the system fails.
Diagnosis and
The diagnosis and resolution fields are statements from the repair perspective. These are the steps that a technician went through to investigate the problem.
The diagnosis area covers the operation that must occur to solve the issue. The diagnosis code is how the problem was handled, and the resolution could be that the item was repaired, replaced, or the order was canceled by the customer. For example, if the computer has been repaired, the diagnosis area could be "defective part," the diagnosis code could be "new video card installed," and the resolution could be "replaced."
Repair stages state the progress of the repair process. The repair stage has a sign-off parameter that indicates that the repair line has been completed, and the finishing date and time has been recorded.
Set up repair
Click > > .
Open the appropriate forms to set up conditions, symptom areas, diagnosis areas, resolutions, and repair stages.
repair management
To apply repair management to an item, the item must be set up with a service object relation on a service order. From the service order you can then create a repair line with information about the current issue. On the repair line you define the service object that is in repair and information about symptoms, diagnosis, and execution. You can also create a note for the repair line.
You can create repair lines for each step in the repair process.
Create a
repair line on a service order
Click > .
Select the service order with the service object that needs repair.
Click .
In the form, press CTRL+N to create a new line.
Select a service object. You can select any service object that has been set up with an object relation on the service order.
Select any of the preset symptoms, diagnosis, and execution values that are relevant in the repair line and, if it is needed, click the tab to create a note on the repair line.
Press CTRL+S to save the new repair line. The and fields in the form are updated with the time of saving.
Tracing the
progress of a repair issue and closing it
You can set the repair stages of a repair line to trace the progress of the repair issue.
When a repair issue is resolved, you can close the repair line by setting the repair stage to a stage with a property enabled. The current date and time is registered as the finish time on the line.
Close a
repair line for a resolved issue
Open the form by following the procedure earlier in this topic to create a repair line.
Select the repair line with the repair issue that you want to close.
In the field, select a stage with the property enabled.