You can create and structure internal as well as external courses and events in the form. For each course, you can:

  • Register participants.

  • Specify a registration deadline.

  • Define the minimum and maximum number of participants.

  • Choose a course location and classroom.

  • Assign hotels that you are recommending to course participants.

  • Create a course description, which you can then advertise on Enterprise Portal.

When you create a new course or event, depending on the way in which you want to structure your course, on the tab in the field, choose from the following:



Courses that are held over one or more days but for which you do not want to create a daily agenda.

You can record information such as:

  • - The individual items on the programs for each day.

  • - The instructors associated with the course or items on the agenda.

Each day's agenda is divided up into several independent tracks and sessions. By creating tracks and sessions you can offer participants specialized instruction in areas or subjects that are of particular interest to the participant.

You can record information about:

  • - Specialty subject areas, such as, the course might have one track addressing sales related subjects, and another related to service or support subjects.

  • - The sessions into which the individual tracks are divided. Sessions might cover specific processes or techniques relevant to each track.

  • - The instructors that are assigned to the course, tracks, and sessions.

Note Note

You can only delete courses for which no participants have been registered.

You can integrate with absence to manage course attendance as a future absence transaction. If a course is canceled, the absence transaction is automatically deleted.

Setup prerequisites

Setup folder


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See Also