Click OKto check the prices and discounts for intercompany sales and purchase orders. If there are any synchronization issues, these will be listed in an Infolog that you can print for reference. Otherwise, click Cancelto exit without performing the check.
To allow an update of the intercompany order, click > > > .
Click to open the form and select either SalesOrder or PurchaseRequisition as relevant.
On the tab, select the and check boxes.
To allow update of the order in the sister company, click Microsoft Dynamics AXmenu > Tools> and select the relevant company.
Repeat steps 3 to 6 in the sister company before returning to your own company.
Double-click the relevant line on the Infolog to open the order in the present company. Open the order in the sister company by clicking then or as relevant.
Open the relevant intercompany order where you want to keep the price. For each order line, change the line and then change it back to the original value. Change the line back and forth, and change the relevant or back and forth. This changing the values back and forth will trigger a synchronization of the prices, discounts and miscellaneous charges from this intercompany order line to the referenced intercompany order line so that they will be automatically aligned.
This synchronization is only valid if the intercompany sales order has not been invoiced. If the intercompany sales order has been invoice-posted and a sales order invoice journal has been created, changes must be performed directly on the intercompany purchase order lines by setting the prices, discounts, and miscellaneous charges equal to those on the intercompany sales order invoice journal. If this is not done, the intercompany purchase order cannot be invoice-posted, because there will be a mismatch in the order totals.
Repeat the whole procedure until all intercompany purchase and sales orders are synchronized.