You can create and manage company bank accounts and the financial instruments that are associated with bank accounts, such as deposit slips, checks, bills of exchange, and promissory notes.

You also create bank groups, bank transaction types, the bank accounts that the company has in each bank group, and check layouts for the bank accounts.

You can view bank data by using a number of standard inquiries, reconcile bank account statements, and print bank data in standard reports, including balances, payment lists, summaries, deposit slips, payment advice, and bank transactions that are not reconciled.

The topics in this section provide information about setting up and maintaining Bank.

Setting up payment methods

Setting up bank account information

Setting up electronic banking

Bank report setup

Set up a review process for reversals and cancellations

Bank setup and maintenance forms

The following table lists the forms that support setting up and maintaining Bank. The table entries are organized by task and then alphabetically by form name.

Note Note

Some forms in the following table require information or parameter settings to navigate to them.


Form name


Setting up payment methods

Methods of payment

Set up a method of payment for checks.

Setting up bank account information

Bank accounts

Set up the check layout and LSV+ information for a bank account.

Bank parameters

Set up the company's bank parameters and to select number sequences for the automatic numbering of bank documents.

Setting up electronic banking

File archive

View and analyze archived files.

File types

Set up the types of files to archive.

IBS parameters

Set up parameters to integrate Microsoft Dynamics AX with Isabel electronic banking software.

Vendor details

Set up a bank account for vendors.

Bank report setup

BLWI parameters

Set up BLWI parameters.

State 11

Set up State 11 information.