You can use the electronic payment method to make payments to vendors. When the bank processes a payment, you receive a file from the bank. You must import the file and post the journal to post the transactions to the ledger. One of the formats that you can use to make electronic payments to vendors is Telepay 2.01.
You can create a payment proposal and export the file by using an available export format. You can send the file to the bank using the bank's software and import the return file that is received from the bank to approve or reject the transactions and identify errors, if any.
Click the tab. Create a method of payment for Telepay 2.01.
Click the tab and select Telepay 2.01as the import file format and return file format.
Click the tab and select the additional validation criterion that is run in the journal upon posting when the method of payment is used.
Click the tab. Select the check box to enable the dimension control to create a payment proposal for the method of payment. The , , and check boxes are enabled only when you select this check box.
If you select the check box and do not select a specific dimension, a payment proposal is created for the method of payment.
If you select the check box and select a specific dimension, a payment proposal is created for the method of payment for the dimension. For example, if you select the dimension, a payment proposal is created per department.
If you clear the check box, a payment proposal is created based on the dimensions that are selected on the settled invoice.
Select the check box to create a payment proposal per department for the method of payment.
Select the check box to create a payment proposal per cost center for the method of payment.
Select the check box to create a payment proposal per purpose for the method of payment.
If you select more than one dimension, a payment proposal is created for the dimension combination.
Click the button to open a form where you can define the dimension number for the selected dimension or dimension combinations. You also can define a bank account for the dimension line.
On the tab, enter the information in the following fields:
: Select the number for the department.
: Select the number for the cost center.
: Select the number for the purpose.
Select the currency for the dimension line in the field.
Select the bank account for the dimension line in the field.
Press CTRL+S or close the form to save the settings.
When you define the method of payment, it is attached to the vendor records and automatically becomes the current method of payment to record incoming invoices. You also can change the method of payment for the record before you settle the invoice.