Sales order setup and maintenance forms

The following table lists the forms that support setting up and maintaining sales orders. The table entries are organized by task and then alphabetically by form name.

Note Note

Some forms in the following table require information or parameter settings to navigate to them.

For more information about setup and maintenance tasks, see the System and Application Setup Help.


Form name


Setting up sales order parameters

Accounts receivable parameters

Set up parameters for accounts receivable, including sales orders.

Setting up and maintaining miscellaneous charges for sales orders

Auto-misc. charges

Define the miscellaneous sales charges that are automatically assigned to orders.

Customer misc. charges group

Create miscellaneous charges groups that can be assigned to customers.


Assign miscellaneous charges groups to customers.


Assign miscellaneous charges groups to items.

Item misc. charges groups

Create miscellaneous charges groups that can be assigned to items.

Misc. charges code

Set up codes for the miscellaneous charges to use on sales orders, such as invoice fees, freight, and insurance.

Sales orders

Assign miscellaneous charges groups to sales orders.

Setting up and maintaining supplementary items for sales orders

Supplementary item groups - Customer

Create and maintain supplementary item groups that will be used for items and customers.

Supplementary item groups - Inventory

Create and maintain supplementary item groups that will be used for items, vendors, and customers.

Setting up an intercompany organization

Create item in company

Create a duplicate item record in another company for use in intercompany processing.


Define customers as intercompany customers.


Configure endpoints for data transfer. For inbound transfers, the endpoint is the source; for outbound transfers, the endpoint is the destination. For example, trading partners are endpoints.

Intercompany action policies

Set up the parameters that are used in intercompany sales or purchase orders.


Define the items that can be purchased from an intercompany vendor.

Print management setup

Set up printer specifications for original sales documents and duplicate copies for different departments.

Value mapping

Map the values that are used for the active action policy and for the particular endpoint, such as item number, customer account number, vendor account number, and terms of delivery.


Define vendors as intercompany vendors.

Setting up sales order deliveries

Accounts receivable parameters

Set up parameters for sales order deliveries.

Activate order entry deadline combinations

Select order entry deadlines for combinations of sites and order entry deadline groups.

Default order settings

Define default settings for the selected item. The system uses these settings when master planning generates sales orders, purchase orders, and inventory orders.

Fallback warehouse for site

Associate a fallback warehouse with a site for use when a site is assigned to an order but a warehouse is not assigned.

Modes of delivery

Set up modes of delivery for customers. Mode of delivery indicates the means of transportation that is used when delivering an order from the seller to the buyer.

Order entry deadline group

Create order entry deadline groups, which are used to set a common order entry deadline for a group of customers.

Order entry deadlines

Set up order entry deadlines by site and order entry deadline group.

Site specific order settings

Define site-specific settings for the selected item. The system uses these settings when master planning generates sales orders, purchase orders, and inventory orders.


View or enter details about the method of transportation, the shipping and receiving point, and the number of days it takes to transport items by using the various forms of transportation.

Transport calendar

Set up the available pick up dates for the carrier and the possible days for transport of items for the carrier.


Create the warehouses that you will use in the inventory system.

Working times

Define available capacity for particular days and times in the attached calendar. Working times are attached to calendars that are associated with a work center or a work center group.

Setting up Intrastat for sales orders


Set up the country/region, ISO, country/region type and Intrastat code fields for the relevant countries.


Select country/region information for customers.

Foreign trade parameters

Select parameters for the handling of Intrastat and the European Union (EU) sales list.


Set up foreign trade and net weight information for items.