Use the form to import ESR payment information to a payment journal.
Click > > > .
Press CTRL+N to create a new journal and click .
In the form, click > .
In the form, select a method of payment that is set up to use the ESR (CH)import format.
Click OK. The payments are imported. For each direct debit payment that was processed through the LSV system and that uses Swiss francs (CHF) as the currency, the following processes take place:
The original LSV payment line is unsettled and the status is set to Rejected.
The ESR number is matched to the corresponding invoice and can be automatically settled.
If some of the LSV payments are not processed, some open payment lines will remain in the LSV journal. This can happen if the customer bank account has a low balance. To post the remaining open payment lines in the LSV journal, you first must delete the rejected payment lines.