An order-specific BOM calculation represents a variation of a BOM calculation for a manufactured item. An order-specific BOM calculation is performed in the context of a sales order, sales quotation, or service order line item. An order-specific BOM calculation generates a calculation record that is displayed in the form. The calculation record includes a calculated weight, a calculated cost that is based on active cost records, and a calculated sales price. Each order-specific BOM calculation for an item generates a calculation record in the form, uniquely identified by a calculation number. The results of a calculation record can optionally be transferred to the originating line item.

An order-specific BOM calculation differs from a BOM calculation for a manufactured item. First, an order-specific BOM calculation does not generate an item cost record within a costing version. This means that the BOM calculation policies do not apply for creating an item cost record or for overwriting a cost record. Second, an order-specific BOM calculation always uses the active cost records for components, cost categories, and indirect cost calculation formulas.

See Also