This topic describes how to troubleshoot common issues with user management. User management includes adding users to Microsoft Dynamics AX, adding groups, and granting access to user groups.
How do I add users to Microsoft Dynamics AX?
See Create new users.
Why do I get Error: Invalid network accountwhen trying to add a user to Microsoft Dynamics AX?
Microsoft Dynamics AX searched Microsoft Active Directory directory services on the local domain controller and could not find the user you are trying to add.
To add an additional layer of security to your computing environment, Microsoft Dynamics AX requires that all users be listed in Active Directory on your domain controller before they can be enabled on the Microsoft Dynamics AX form. If a user is not enabled on this form, they cannot access Microsoft Dynamics AX. For more information, see Working with users from Active Directory.
How do I set user passwords?
You do not have to set user passwords in Microsoft Dynamics AX. When a user opens the client, Microsoft Dynamics AX validates the user name against the user name and password in Active Directory. If the alias and password are found in Active Directory, the user is authenticated and the client opens. If authentication fails, the client does not open.
How do I add a group to Microsoft Dynamics AX?
See Manage user groups.
Can users be members of more than one group?
Yes, but remember that the user inherits the highest permissions level between the two groups.
Access and
I added several people to the form, but those users are still unable to access Microsoft Dynamics AX. How can I correct this?
Before a user can access Microsoft Dynamics AX:
The user must be added to the form and the check box must be selected (see Create new users).
The user must be a member of at least one Microsoft Dynamics AX group (see Manage user groups).
The designated group must be granted access to menu items and tables in the form (see Manage security permissions for user groups and domain combinations).
Users cannot access Microsoft Dynamics AX through Enterprise Portal. How can I correct this?
Granting users access to Microsoft Dynamics AX through Enterprise Portal requires several additional steps beyond setting up users and groups. For more information about how to set up users for Enterprise Portal, see Giving users access to Enterprise Portal sitesin the Enterprise Portal Administration Guide.
Why do I get the following error: User <username> is not authorized to insert a record in table SqlDictionary. Request Denied?
The user does not have the appropriate permissions. If you grant a user group developer permissions, the group must have developer permissions across all domains. If the group does not have developer permissions across all domains, members of the group cannot synchronize the Application Object Tree (AOT). To correct this problem, give the user developer permissions in all domains on the > form.
Why do I get the following error: User does not exist?
The user has not been added to the list of users on the . If the user does exist in the list, verify that the check box is selected for that user.
Developers cannot synchronize the AOT. Why?
If you grant developer permissions to a user group, the group must have developer permissions across all domains. If the group does not have developer permissions across all domains, members of the group cannot synchronize the Application Object Tree (AOT). See Manage security permissions for user groups and domain combinationsto learn how to grant developer group permissions across all domains.