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Use this form to define, manage, and view the settings of expense distribution sheet reports.
You can choose between two different report types:
– Produces a classical view of the expense distribution sheet and compares the results of different dimensions.
– Compares results within one dimensionor hierarchy but over different periods and value types.
the form
The following tables provide descriptions for the controls in this form.
Tab |
Description |
Create and view expense distribution sheets. |
View or edit additional information about the selected expense distribution sheet. |
Button |
Description |
Copy the settings of an entire expense distribution sheet to a new sheet. |
Define, manage, and view the report lines that are used in the report. |
Define, manage, and view the report columns that are shown in the report. |
Field |
Description |
Number or code of the report. |
Short description of the report. |
The expesne distribution sheet (EDS) can be used for the different report types. Select from and to define the report type. |
Select a line structure. Cost lines of this line structure are used as report lines for the report. |
Select the calculation type that you want to use for this expense distribution sheet. You can select a period, special, or plan calculation. |
The EDS can be used to report results of divisions as well. If you want to report results this way, select a hierarchy in this field. |