Microsoft Dynamics AX and the Enterprise Portal framework include customizable home pages called Role Centers. Role Centers display specific data, reports, alerts, and common tasks associated with a user's role in the organization. Users can access Role Centers from the Microsoft Dynamics AX client or from an Enterprise Portal Web site.
Use this information to specify which Web site will host the Role Centers.
Click the option to in the upgrade checklist. The form opens.
Locate the field at the bottom of this form.
Select a site using the lookup icon to the right of the field and then close the form. If you are not certain which site should host Role Centers, skip this step. You can select the site later using this form.
If no Web sites are listed in this form, Enterprise Portal has not been installed or an Enterprise Portal Web site has not been created. To learn more, see "Install Enterprise Portal and Role Centers" in the Microsoft Dynamics AX 5.0 Installation Guide.