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Use this form to display all quotations that have been confirmed. Sales quotations that have been confirmed (converted to a sales order) and subsequently lost or canceled are not displayed in this form because these quotations are treated as sales orders.

Navigating the form

The following tables provide descriptions for the controls in this form:




Overview tab

View a list of sales quotations, in addition to customer/business account number, sales quotation number, sales order number, project/invoice project number (if relevant), sales currency, language, and the quotation amount.

View details of the sales quotation lines for the selected sales quotation.




The of the customer who will be invoiced.

The from the Sales orders from which the Confirmation journal is posted.

The date that the Confirmation journal was posted.

The customer's requisition number or other reference number.

This field can be printed on all external documents sent to the customer.

The that consists of the and a sequence number.

Display the for the current confirmation.

The for the current confirmation.

The sales number of the sales order that contains the confirmed lines. If you make a summary update, a confirmation can contain lines originating from several sales orders.

The that has been confirmed.

Displays the confirmed Quantity.

Displays the of the confirmed

Calculated .

The and the fields are used to calculate the value of this field based on the parameter.

Calculated discount for the sale.

The and the fields are used to calculate the value of this field on basis of the parameter.

Sales tax amount included in the amount, as sales tax is included in prices.




Click > to display or print a copy of the printed sales quotation using the current form setup parameters.

Click > to display or print the original printed sales quotation using the current form setup parameters.

Click > to reprint the sales quotation using the current form setup parameters.

Create, edit, or view any miscellaneous charges that have been added to the active sales quotation.

View any expected sales tax transactions that are associated with the active sales quotation.

View the expected lot transactions and set up inventory dimensions for the item in the active sales quotation line.

This button is only accessed on the tab.