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Use this form to display the number of trade agreements associated with each customer. For example, you can select a customer on the tab and browse through the items on the tab. If a customer has an item price agreement, a yellow warning symbol appears in the field on the tab.

Tip Tip

You can also print price and discount agreement reports. Click > > .

Navigating the form

The following tables provide descriptions for the controls in this form.




Overview tab

Displays information about customers, items, and price/discount agreements.

Displays the customer account and name.

Displays the item number and name, and a symbol if a price/discount agreement exists for the combination of the active customer and active item number.

Displays the item dimensions, if any, for the active item number, and a symbol if a price/discount agreement exists for the combination of the active customer, the active item number, and the specific version of the active item number.

Displays detailed information about price and discount agreements.




Opens the form. This provides an overview of any inventory dimensions.




Identifies the customer; required when you create a customer.

This field is automatically generated by Microsoft Dynamics AX if you specify it on the tab in the form. For more information, see Number sequences (form).

Enter or view the customer name to be printed on documents sent to the customer, such as invoices and account statements.

A free-text field where you type address information such as street name, number, postal code, and city. This information is used for printouts.

A unique user-defined code that is assigned when items are created. Special characters or spaces in the item number are not recommended. Item numbers can be generated by Microsoft Dynamics AX by linking the item number to a form.

Item names are written in different languages and printed on external documents or forms. Item names are specified on the form. The customer's language code determines which text will be retrieved in the field. The supplier's language code determines which text will be retrieved in the field.

Select a configuration to assign to the item.

Select a size to assign to the item.

Select a color to assign to the item.

Currency used for invoicing.

When you set up a price/discount agreement, you must specify whether the agreement applies to a specific customer/vendor account, an account group, or to all accounts.

Depending on which account code you selected in the field, specify which account, price group or discount group the agreement relates to. Click the field to see an overview of the selection options.

When you set up a price/discount agreement, you must specify whether the agreement applies to a specific item number, an item-discount group, or to all items.

Displays the item number that is covered by this agreement. Depending on which item code you selected in the field, specify which item, line discount group, multiline discount group, or total discount group the agreement is to relate to. Click the field for an overview of the selection options.

Select an item configuration to specify an item with specific attributes.

Specifies the item size.

Specifies the item color.

Specifies a quantity that must be reached before the agreement takes effect.

Displays the inventory unit of the item.

Displays a starting date for the agreement.

Displays an ending date for the agreement.

For price agreements, the specified price is valid, subject to any time or quantity limitations. For discount agreements, this field displays the discount amount. The price is for the item per sales or purchase unit for the quantity given in the current price agreement.

Displays the currency code for the current agreement. Prices and discounts must be created in this currency.

Specify which price unit is to apply for the item for price agreements and line discount agreements.

Specify a fixed miscellaneous charge on the price that is independent of quantity.

Displays a percentage discount that the customer is allowed to if other conditions are met.

Displays a percentage discount that the customer is allowed to if other conditions are met.

See Also