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Use this form to create groups that combine employees and categories for validation.

The validation setup:

  • Controls access limitations. The groups that you set up in this form define what categories are available for different employees.

  • Can be enabled or disabled for the whole system through the Validation parameter setup in the form.

  • Is applied when you register entries in the , , and journals.

Tip Tip

The only categories available for setup of groups and for individual employees are categories of the Employee transaction type. For groups and for individual projects, categories of all transaction types are available.

Tasks that use this form

Navigating the form

The following tables provide descriptions for the controls in this form.




Overview tab

View and edit an overview of the validation groups.

Define the employees to be included in the active group by selecting the wanted employee in the area and then selecting the left arrow. The selected employee is added to the area.

Remove an employee from the validation group by selecting the wanted employee in the area and then selecting the right arrow. The selected employee is moved to the area.

Define the categories to be included in the active group by selecting the wanted category in the area and then selecting the left arrow. The selected category is added to the area.

Remove a category from the validation group by selecting the wanted category in the area and then selecting the right arrow. The selected category is moved to the area.




Enter a unique name for the employee/category validation group ID.

Define the name of the validation group.

Type an employee ID code of your choice. This information is mandatory.

Type the name of the employee. This information is optional.

Unique name for the category.

Enter a more descriptive name for the category, no more than 30 characters long.

The transaction type of the category is inherited from the transaction type of the category group.

All categories in a category group have the same transaction types. More Help…

See Also