 Change View 

Use this form to create the lines for the periods in the period allocation key that you selected in the form.

The field is updated as you create lines so that you can see when 100% is reached.

Navigating the form

The following tables provide descriptions for the controls in this form.




Overview tab

Create and view lines for the periods that are included in the selected period allocation key.

General tab

View the tab information for the line that is selected on the tab.

Dimension tab

Select dimension values for the selected line.




Indicate the number of units that should be changed in relation to the first transaction.

Indicate the unit for the current line in days, months, or year.

Individual allocation for the current transaction in percent of the total amount.

Current period allocation key.

Enter or view the dimension value.

Enter or view the dimension value.

Enter or view the dimension value.

See Also