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Use this form to create and maintain coverage settings for your items.

View items with existing coverage settings in the right pane and items without coverage settings in the left pane. You can use one or more of the drop-down lists at the top of the form to filter the items that you want to view.

Tasks that use this form

Navigating the form

The following tables provide descriptions for the controls in this form.




Copy existing item coverage settings to one or more other items. Select the item in the right pane to copy from and the items in the left pane to copy to, and click .

Note Note

The item coverage settings that you want to copy must be compatible for the item that you are copying to. For example, item coverage dimensions must be the same.

Start the wizard to create or delete item coverage settings. Both the right and left panes are updated when you use the wizard.

Delete existing coverage records for the selected items in the right pane. After item coverage records are deleted, both the right and left panes are updated.

Open the form for the selected item where you can create, edit, and delete coverage settings. If you select a different item, the form is updated dynamically to show item coverage for that item.




Unique user-defined code that is assigned when items are created. We recommend not using special characters or spaces in the item number.

Note that item numbers can be system generated by linking the item number to a Number sequences (form).

Item names are written in different languages and printed on external documents or forms. Item names are specified by using Language - Item description (form). The customer's and supplier's language codes determine which text is retrieved in, respectively, Accounts receivable and Accounts payable.