Use configuration keys to enable or disable specific features for all users of Microsoft Dynamics AX. Each configuration key controls access to a specific feature. As soon as it is disabled, the feature is automatically removed from the database and the user interface. We recommend removing unused functionality to reduce the surface that is open to attack.
You must have Administrator or Developer permissions to set up configuration keys. For more information about how configuration keys are enabled and disabled, see Configuration key flowchart.
Set up
configuration keys
Open the Configuration form from the initialization checklist or click > > > .
The form displays the following information.
In the left pane- A list of the configuration keys that you can use to enable features. With licensed installations and demonstration mode, only parent configuration keys are active, whereas with partner licenses, all configuration keys are active.
In the right pane- Help text explaining which features and functionality are enabled by the configuration key selected in the left pane. The text in parentheses is the configuration key name and is shown only when you have Developer rights.
To enable a configuration key, select the check box next to the relevant feature.
Configuration keys that are controlled by license codes are indicated by a red padlock symbol. This means that the key controls basic functionality, and therefore cannot be disabled. However, configuration keys below it in the hierarchy—which control subsets of the basic functionality—can be disabled.
Click to discard your changes and revert configuration keys to their original state.
Click OKto save changes and close the form.