Use this form to create multiple purchase order lines.

Tasks that use this form

Navigating the form

The following tables provide descriptions for the controls in this form.




Lists all items.

Lists those items for which there are no order transactions.




Click to create a query to display specific inventory. You can also save your query or reset it.

Click and to specify the inventory dimensions that you want to work with. If, for example, you want to see inventory on hand per warehouse, select the check box.

Enter the quantity you want to purchase for each line, and then click to create purchase order lines. The form is then closed, and the purchase order lines are created.

Click with the form open to create purchase order lines.




A unique user-defined code that is assigned when items are created. We recommend that you not to use special characters or spaces in the item number. Item numbers can be system generated by linking the item number to a Number sequences (form).

Displays the on-hand quantity of the item at the site specified for the order.

You can change the site inventory dimension by clicking > Advanced filter/Sortand removing or selecting a different site. For more information, see Inquiry (form).

Note Note

If the multisite feature is not enabled, the field is displayed, but the site value is not filled in.

Updated physical quantity available.

Select a configuration to assign to the item.

Select a size to assign to the item.

Select a color to assign to the item.

Select a configuration to assign to the item.

Select a size to assign to the item.

Select a color to assign to the item.

See Also