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Use this form to create journal lines for a fixed asset or fixed asset group that you select in the query. The fields in the form will change, depending on the selections you make in the query form.

The lines have a status, an acquisition date, an acquisition price based on the value model that you selected, and the transaction type.

Tasks that use this form

Navigating the form

The following tables provide descriptions for the controls in this form.




The fixed asset number that the proposal is based on.

The fixed asset group that the proposal is based on.

The fixed asset depreciation book information that the proposal is based on. This field is available only when you open the form from the form.

The asset status that the proposal is based on. This field is available only when you open the form from the form.

The fixed asset value model information that the proposal is based on. This field is available only when you open the form from the form.

The posting layer information that the proposal is based on. This field is available only when you open the form from the form.




Open a query in which you can limit and sort the data to include in the proposal process. If you do not limit the data, all of the relevant data is used.

Process the batch.

Delete the entries that you made in the query.

See Also