Use this form to create items for intercompany trade when an item does not already exist in both companies. You can create the item in several intercompany companies at once.

Tasks that use this form

Navigating the form

The following tables provide descriptions for the controls in this form.




Click to see the Infolog containing a warning message when the item exists in another company or when conversion values do not exist. Items that are created successfully are shown in the Infolog, with a link to enable the user to jump to the form in the other company.

Click to synchronize the line or lines.




Select this to synchronize all the lines when you click OK.

Select this to synchronize the selected line when you click OK.

The company identification of the company in which the current item is created.

The name of the company in which the current item is created.

Select the method that you want use to synchronize the item number to the selected company. You can select either (the item gets the same item number in the selected company), (the item gets the next available item number from the form in the selected company), or (the item gets the item number that you enter in the field for this company.

Enter the new item number for this company. You can edit this field only when is selected in the field, otherwise it displays the automatically generated number depending on the synchronization method you have selected.

Shows the document value for the item, which defines the conversion method for intercompany items. The options, which you specify in the form are , , , , , or .

Shows the value for the specified conversion, taken from the form. This field cannot be edited.