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Use this form to view and analyze all trace entities. The form is central to the Microsoft Dynamics AX trace functionality.

Tasks that use this form

Navigating the form

The following tables provide descriptions for the controls in this form.




Overview tab

Details about the trace entities such as when they were created and by whom, the time it took to execute, the type of trace, and the connected code.

General tab

General information about the SQL statement and collection details such as the number of records that are affected, their size, the number of records retrieved for every fetch, reuse of the statement, statement ID, and connection ID.

Description of the trace event, the SQL statement involved, and any additional information.

Instant link between the trace incident and the X++ application element. When you examine the trace incident, the pane displays the call stack that resulted in the trace incident.

List of all the tables that are referenced by the trace entry. The tables are listed by their Application Object Tree (AOT) names.




View and modify the query plan. This command is available only when the trace type is Query time.

Edit the code in the Microsoft Dynamics AX code editor.

Access the , , and options.




The date and time when the event was logged.

The user who created the event.

The time spent executing the event. Execution time is in milliseconds.

Categorizes the object trace type as either multiple SQL statement, query time, error, synchronize, deadlock, or warning.

Numeric trace code that is specified by the trace event (SQL error code, warning number, and so on).

If this check box is selected, large binary objects are included in this statement (memo and containers).

If this check box is selected, more data is available after the statement is executed.

The number of records in the database that are affected by the operation specified in the statement.

The amount of memory that is needed for Microsoft Dynamics AX to handle one record from the result set from this statement.

The number of rows that are fetched during each Fetch operation.

If this check box is selected, the statement must be selected for an update.

If this check box is selected, the statement is selected to be executed within a transaction.

The number of times the statement is reused.

The internal identifier for the SQL statement that is traced.

The type of SQL statement that is used: insert, update, or delete.

The type of database connection used. There are six types of connections:

  • Client – Operations within a transaction.

  • Read-only – Client out-of-transaction data access (typically browsing data in a form).

  • Server – The internal connection of Microsoft Dynamics AX for RecID generation.

  • User – Application (X++) controlled connection that is created by using UserConnection classes.

  • ODBC – Application (X++) controlled ODBC connection that is created by using OdbcConnection classes.

  • OCI – Application (X++) controlled OCI connections that are created by using the ociConnection class.

The ID of the database process that is responsible for execution. This SPID is also shown in the form.

The identification number of the database connection on which this statement was executed.

The textual representation of the SQL query.

The description of the error situation from the SQL database.

Further details on the specific trace log entry.

The identification number of the table.

The unique name of the table.