Use this form to define the default values that are used when you release a production order. The status indicates that estimation and scheduling for the production order are finished and the order has been released to the shop floor where the route card, routing jobs, and/or job cards can be printed. Because the values in this form are proposed each time you release a production order, they should contain the parameters you use most often. Click to apply the new default values to appropriate fields in the forms you use for production order release.

Navigating the form

The following tables provide descriptions for the controls in this form.




If selected, any references to the production will be released on the same conditions as this one. Therefore, you can release productions that are derived from this one. Only the current and any underlying productions are released. Therefore, you can release all productions in the production hierarchy by releasing the main production and indicating that references should be released. You can also release a specific production in the hierarchy and its underlying productions in the same way.

If selected, those jobs that are to be run upon production release will be printed. To control how the printout will be handled, click Setup.

If selected, those route jobs that are run upon production release will be printed. To control how the printout will be handled, click Setup.

If selected, a route card will be printed upon release of production. To control how the printout will be handled, click Setup.




Apply new default values from this form to the appropriate fields in forms that are used to release a production order.

Set the values in this form as the default values for all the users.