 Change View 

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Use this form to create, edit, or view forecast allocation lines for individual items. You can assign a percentage of the total item group forecast to individual items or item dimensions that you select.

Tasks that use this form

Navigating the form

The following tables provide descriptions for the controls in this form.




Overview tab

Create, view, and edit allocation lines for each item.

General tab

View and edit information about the selected item allocation line.

Dimension tab

View the item dimension information for the selected line.




Select the inventory dimensions that you want to view in the form.




Item number to allocate to.

Item's allocation percentage. The forecast plan uses the item's allocation percentage and the total forecast quantity to calculate the item's forecast quantity.

Note Note

The total allocation percentage does not have to be 100%.

Note Note

A sales forecast line with 100 pieces is created on the item allocation key. The key contains two items with 45% and 50%, respectively. During forecast planning, a requirement line per item number is created with 45 and 50 pieces, respectively.

The item allocation key.

The item dimensions.

Select the item configuration.

The size of the item.

The color of the item.

Enter the warehouse where you want to store the items.

Enter the batch number dimension. If you select and in the upper section of the or form, you can edit the batch number for the transfer order line.

Location inside a warehouse. If you select and in the upper section of the or form, you can edit the location number for the transfer order line.

Unique ID for the pallet (Serial Shipping Container Code).

Serial number dimension. If you select and in the upper section of the or form, you can edit the serial number for the transfer order line.

See Also