Administration > Setup > Business analysis > OLAP > OLAP Administration

Use this form to integrate Microsoft Dynamics AX and SQL Server Analysis Services.

Tasks that use this form

Navigating the form

The following tables provide descriptions for the controls in this form.




OLAP servers

Use this tab to specify your Analysis Services servers.

OLAP databases

Use this tab to specify your OLAP databases.


Use this tab to update your back office and OLAP databases.




Update Databases

Updates your back office and OLAP databases.

Setup Exchange Rates

Opens the Setup Exchange Ratesform.

Deploy ODC Files

Deploys ODC files to the Enterprise Portal server. ODC files enable Enterprise Portal users to connect to cubes.




Select (OLAP servers tab)

Select this check box to update the databases on this server.

OLAP server name

Enter the name of your OLAP server.

Description (OLAP servers tab)

Enter a description of your OLAP server.

Select (OLAP databases tab)

Select this check box to update this database.

Database name

Enter the name of your OLAP database.

Description (OLAP databases tab)

Enter a description of your OLAP database.

Update BI Data

Select this check box to update your back office database with currency conversion information and time dimensions.

Synchronize OLAP Database with OLTP Schema

Select this check box to synchronize the OLAP databases with your back office database.

Enable logging

Select this check box to record data about the updating of your databases.

We recommend that you enable logging for troubleshooting purposes only.

Log file

Location where the log file will be saved.

If you want the log file saved to a different location, enter the location.