> > >
Use this form to display all quotations which have been sent or confirmed. Sales quotations which have been sent and subsequently lost or canceled are also displayed in this form.
Navigating the form
The following tables provide descriptions for the controls in this form:
Tab |
Description |
View a list of sales quotations. |
View details of the sales quotation lines for the selected sales quotation. |
Field |
Description |
The unique project number that identifies the project attached to the active quotation. |
The invoice project of the actual project. |
Displays the of the customer who will be invoiced. |
The business account number of the business relation to whom the sales quotation has been sent. |
Displays the from which the Quotation journal is posted. |
Displays the date that the quotation journal was posted. |
The unique quotation number. The quotation number consists of the number and a sequential number as a suffix. |
The sales quotation deadline. The deadline is the last date for acceptance of the quotation. |
The currency code used for the amounts and prices of the active quotation. |
The total sales quotation amount. |
The language that will be used when printing and invoicing the sales order or sales quotation. |
The order that the line is generated from. |
Use this (ProjIDBase) to define the length and adjustment of the project number. Project numbers are alphanumeric. Project
Identification of project activity. |
Specifies project transaction types used when transferring to project |
Identification of employee or item. |
Category that is used as a default. |
Status that the transaction is attached to. |
Displays the item Id that has been quoted. |
Displays the quoted quantity. |
Displays the sales price of the quoted . |
Brief description of transaction. |
Displays the calculated discount percent based on the . |
Displays the calculated discount based on the . |
Sales tax amount included in the amount, as sales tax is included in prices |
Button |
Description |
Click > to display or print, or both, a copy of the sales quotation using the current form setup parameters. Click > to display or print, or both, the original printed sales quotation using the current form setup parameters. Click > to reprint the sales quotation using the current form setup parameters. |
Create, edit, or view any miscellaneous charges that have been added to the selected sales quotation or the selected sales quotation line. |
View any expected sales tax transactions that are associated with the selected sales quotation. |
This button is accessed on the tab. Click > to view the expected lot transactions for the item in the selected sales quotation line. Click > to set up the inventory dimensions for the item in the selected sales quotation line. |