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Use this form to enter the required information about your software vendor to file Internal Revenue Service (IRS) 1099 statements electronically or magnetically.

Note Note

You do not have to fill in this form to file printed 1099 statements, but the IRS requires companies with more than a certain number of 1099 statements to file electronically or magnetically. We recommend that you review IRS rule changes for the applicable tax year before you set up and process 1099 statements.

The first time that you open the form, a message is displayed and you have the option to have company information displayed in the fields automatically. If you click No, you must enter the vendor information manually.

The IRS requires that you enter information in all of the fields on this form. This includes contact information, except for the check box, which you select or clear, as appropriate.

Navigating the form

The following tables provide descriptions for the controls in this form.




General tab

Enter the name and contact information of your software vendor.

Enter the address information of your software vendor.




Select whether your company purchased the 1099 software from a software vendor or if it was developed in house.

Enter the name of the vendor that you purchased the 1099 software from.

Enter the telephone number of the software vendor.

Select this check box if the software vendor is owned by an entity outside the United States.

Enter the name of a contact person for the software vendor.

Enter the telephone number of the contact person.

Enter the e-mail address of the contact person.

Enter the street address of the contact person.

Enter the postal or ZIP code of the contact person.

Enter the city for the contact person.

Select the county or region for the contact person (US =county).

Enter the state for the contact person.

Specify the unique identification of the country/region for the contact person.

The company address in text format, which you must update manually if the address changes.