> >

Use this form to display a list of all e-mail messages. E-mail messages can be sent to new users. A message is automatically sent based on a predefined event. For example, an e-mail message can be sent to a new user when the user is added to the system and assigned a password.

To view the system-generated messages, select .

Tasks that use this form

Navigating the form

The following tables provide descriptions for the controls in this form.




Overview tab

View, edit, or create e-mail messages. Each message has an e-mail identification and e-mail description, and should specify the default language code used if the language selected for the specific e-mail is not available.

General tab

View information about the selected e-mail message and e-mail identification. Edit the e-mail description and default language code in the section.

The is followed by the e-mail address of the . To look up e-mail addresses in Microsoft Outlook, click the e-mail icon located to the right of the field.

  • To set (as used in Outlook) use the drop-down menu.

  • To assign the e-mail message to a batch group, use the drop-down menu.




Maintain and edit e-mail messages.




Unique identification for the pre-defined e-mail message.

Short description of the e-mail content.

Use this language as the default if no messages exist in the language specified under .

Profile name on e-mail system.

Internet e-mail address.

Select the priority of the e-mail.

Select a batch group if the e-mail should be sent using batch.

See Also