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Use this form to create, manage, or view the report columns that you want to print on the expense distribution sheet. Enter a number, name, and the column type that you want to print. The type that you choose determines which fields are open for input on the tab pages.

Note Note

You may see different tabs depending on the that you select.

Navigating the form

The following tables provide descriptions for the controls in this form




Overview tab

Create and view all available columns.

General tab

View or change all base settings of the column that is selected on the tab.

Select or view formats of the column that is selected on the tab.

Select or view the dimension and date intervals of the column selected on the tab. This tab is displayed only for columns with the costs fixed, variable, total, and quantity column types.

Select or view a calculation expression for a column calculation column type that you select on the tab.

Select or view a column reference for a 100% column type that you select on the tab.




Generate or view the column number.

Enter, manage, or view the description of the column.

Enter, manage, or view the column header which is shown on the report.

Select one of the following column types:

  • - The line number of the report column.

  • - The name of the report column.

  • - The realized or planned fixed costs on a report column.

  • - The realized or planned variable costs on a report column.

  • - The realized or planned total costs on a report column.

  • - The realized or planned quantities on a report column.

  • - A column that is calculated based on other columns. The current calculation is specified by a calculation expression in columns 1 and 2.

  • - A calculation of the cost line's share of the 100% cost line in the column that is marked on the line in Percentage column.

Select one of the following value types:

Select a forecast model.

Note Note

This field is not active when the is like .

Select the check box if the column should be printed on the report. The column can be a component of other calculated columns.

Select one of the following number formats:

  • - This format is the default and shows the values without any changes.

  • - This format indicates whether the column should display the value in thousands.

  • - This format indicates whether the column should display the value in millions.

Select the sign that will be used as the .

Select the sign that will be used as the .

Select if the value zero is shown.

Select if the values should be inverted.

Specify how to show a sign for negative figures.

Specify the number of decimal places.

Enter the number of positions that negative figures should be moved to the left.

The maximum number of positions in the column when you print it.

Use this check box to select a division instead of a dimension.

Select or view the dimension type.

Select the dimension value for the column.

Select the division for the column.

Select the date interval code.

Specify the from date if you left the date interval code blank.

Specify the to date if you left the date interval code blank.

Select the formula that is used for calculating a column using other already created columns. During calculation, #1 and #2 will be replaced by the currently specified columns Column 1 and Column 2. Select from the following options:

  • #1-#2 = the difference between the columns marked in Column 1 and Column 2.

  • #1+#2 = the sum of the columns marked in Column 1 and Column 2.

  • #1+...+#2 = the sum of the interval of columns marked in Column 1 and Column 2.

  • #1*#2 = the product of the columns marked in Column 1 and Column 2.

  • #1/#2 = the ratio of the columns marked in Column 1 and Column 2.

  • #1/#2 % = the ratio of the columns marked in Column 1 and Column 2, calculated as a percentage.

  • (#1-#2)/#2 % = the difference between the columns marked in Column 1 and Column 2, as a percentage of the column marked in Column 2.

  • (#1-#2)/#1 % = the difference between the columns marked in Column 1 and Column 2, as a percentage of the column marked in Column 1.

Select a column with the first operand in the leading expression.

Select a column with the second operand in the leading expression.

Select or view the reference column number for the calculation.

Select or view the reference cost line for the calculation.

See Also