 Change View 


Use this form to create and maintain ledger budgets.

Before you can use ledger budgets, you must define the underlying structures for your budgets in the form.

Navigating the form

The following tables provide descriptions for the controls in this form.




Overview tab

Create and view budget lines.

General tab

Use the field on the tab to generate periodic budget transactions based on the current line. The budget is valid for the period between the dates in the and fields.

Setup tab

Set up cash flow forecast for the current line.

Dimension tab

Select dimension values for the budget transaction.




Select to display the budget transactions that appear in reports as lines in this form. For example, if you entered an annual budget using the method to generate monthly budget transactions, a transaction line for each month appears in this form when you select the check box. Report transactions cannot be edited.

View model for the budget line or create a new line by selecting the correct budget model.

Displays the identification for the budget revision.

Displays the date that a revision to the budget was made

Select or view the account number for posting in ledger.

Enter or view the date from which the budget amount will be in effect. Do this to limit an individual budget line in terms of time.

Display a comment on the budget transaction. By default, the name of the ledger account is proposed.

Select or view the currency code for the current budget transaction. The company currency is automatically proposed.

Enter or view the amount by which the line contributes to the budget. The amount can also be calculated by completing the and fields on the tab.

Note Note

Enter credit budget amounts with a minus sign.

Methods for allocating the forecast transaction:

  • – No allocation takes place

  • – Fill in with the number of units in the field. This method is used if forecast with the same quantity per period.

  • – The forecast is allocated according to the period allocation key specified in the field. This method is used if you want to take seasonal variation into account.

Number of time units (days, months, years) jumped per transaction. Respectively, 1 and month(s) for forecasts allocated per month.

Respectively, 3 and month(s) for forecasts allocated per quarter.

Unit for time interval:

  • Day(s) – Number of days specified in the field.

  • Month(s) – Number of months specified in .

  • Year(s) – Number of years specified in .

Last date of the posting period for this periodic transaction.

Period allocation key for allocating the budget. For example, if the budget for the year is split into monthly budget periods, the allocation for cash flow forecasts could then split the months into weeks with 25 percent allocated for each week. If the cash flow forecast is calculated on the tenth of a month, only 75 percent of the monthly budget will be included in the cash flow forecast.

Indicate whether the current budget transactions should be excluded from allocations during simulations.

Mark if the amount should be included in the current budget. By default, the field is marked as active when a budget line is created.

Select to include the current budget transaction in cash flow forecast calculations in the . The field is completed for the current model from the check box in the form under .

Status of cash flow forecast for the current transaction.

Select the sales tax group for specification of sales tax on the current budget transaction. The field is automatically filled in if you have attached a sales tax group to the current ledger account in .

Name of the ledger account.

Select or view a dimension value.

Select or view a dimension value.

Select or view a dimension value.

If the check box is selected, the budget transaction is a credit.

Price used when budgeting quantities.

Specify quantity, if any, for the budgeted amount.




Display posted ledger transactions to the current account.

Show account balances by period.

Show budget by period for the current amount. You can specify a date to view budget balances at a specific point in time.

Set up and maintain , , and .

Change, copy, and delete budget transactions.

Transfer realized balances to the budget.

Perform and .

Show cash flow forecasts for the current account.

Graphical representation of the budget.

See Also