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Set up bar codes to uniquely identify your products. You can set up different types of bar codes, for example, bar codes for different industries.

Note Note

A bar code is a series of alternating bars and spaces representing encoded information that can be read by electronic readers. A bar code is used to facilitate timely and accurate input of data to a computer system.

Navigating the form

The following tables provide descriptions for the controls in this form.




Overview tab

Provides an overview of bar code definitions. You can add, delete, and modify bar code definitions on this tab.

General tab

Displays the definition of the selected bar code on the tab. You can add, delete, and modify a bar code definition on this tab including setting the minimum and maximum lengths for the bar code.




Type the name of the bar code.

Enter a description of the bar code.

Select the bar code type from the list.

Select a font for the bar code from the list of available fonts installed in Microsoft Windows.

Specify the font size of the bar code.

Specify the minimum length allowed for the bar code.

Specify the maximum length allowed for the bar code.