If you are an Administrator or Power User on a computer running Microsoft Dynamics AX, you can manage the configurations for your local client through the Microsoft Dynamics AX Configuration Utility. Configuration options are stored in a file, or in the registry hive HKEY_CURRENT_USER/Software/Microsoft/Dynamics/4.0/Configuration/ Configname.
Start the
configuration utility
Open the configuration utility ( Start> Control Panel> Administrative Tools> Microsoft Dynamics AX Configuration Utility).
In the Configuration targetlist, select Local client.
Create a new
You cannot modify the original configuration of a system. To change a configuration, you must create a new one and modify it.
Click Manage, and then click Create configuration:
In the Create configurationdialog box, in the Namebox, type a name.
Decide whether you want to copy settings from the active configuration or the original (default) configuration, and then click OK.
You cannot delete or rename the original configuration. You can only rename or delete configurations that you create.
Copy a
In the Configurationlist, select the configuration you would like to create a copy of.
Click Manage, and then click Create configuration:
In the Create configurationdialog box, in the Namebox, type a name.
Click Copy settings from the active configuration, and then click OK.
Rename a
In the Configurationlist, select the configuration you would like to rename.
Click Manage, and then click Rename configuration.
In the Rename configurationdialog box, in the New namebox, type a name, and then click OK.
Load a
You can either load a configuration that is stored in the local registry or import a configuration file. Although you can use the Opencommand to view a saved configuration, Microsoft Dynamics AX does not store the settings from the opened file to the registry. To store saved configuration files to the registry, you must use the Importcommand.
Load a configuration from the registry
In the Configurationlist, select the configuration you would like to open.
Import a configuration file
Click Manage, and then click Import.
Browse to the configuration file you would like to use ( *.axc), and open it.
Save or
export a configuration
You can save startup settings for a client or Business Connector instance as a configuration stored in the registry, or as a configuration file. Saved startup settings enable you to:
Tune Microsoft Dynamics AX. Change settings, and then tune your system by comparing performance with saved configurations that contain varied compression, database turning, and tracing settings.
Move a configuration from one client to another.
Save a configuration to the registry
Verify that the currently selected configuration is the one you want to save.
Make any changes to the currently selected configuration that you want.
Click Apply, and then click OK.
Export a configuration to a file
Use this procedure if you want to copy a configuration to a client on another computer.
Verify that the currently selected configuration is the one you want to save.
Click Manage, and then click Export configuration to a file. Choose a location and name for the configuration file, and then click Save. The file is saved with an .axcextension.
Export all configurations to a file
Use this procedure if you want to copy all configurations from one client.
Verify that the currently selected configuration is the one you want to save.
Click Manage, and then click Export All. Choose a location and name for the configuration file, and then click Save. The files are saved with an .axcextension.
Save a configuration file with a new name
Use this procedure if you want to create a copy of the configuration file you have been using.
Import or open a configuration file.
Make changes to settings.
Click Manage, and then click Save configuration file as. Choose a location and name for the configuration file, and then click Save.
Delete a
Verify that the currently selected configuration is the one you want to delete.
Click Manage, and then click Delete configuration.