Use this form to make changes to all the budget transactions in the form.

In the section, select the properties to be changed, and in the section, select the value they are to be changed to.

In the section, change amounts with a multiplication factor, a constant, or both.

Navigating the form

The following tables provide descriptions for the controls in this form.




Select , , or to indicate how to manipulate the budget transactions.

Select this check box to change the field in the form to another budget model.

Select the new budget model.

Select this check box to change the account selection.

Select the ledger account that accounts will be changed to.

Select this check box to change the dimension values.

Select a new dimension value.

Select a new dimension value.

Select a new dimension value.

Select this check box to change the budget date in order to transpose a period to easily generate budget transactions, for example, for the coming year.

Select , , or in relation to the field.

Enter a number in relation to the field.


Select in the field and enter 1 in this field to generate budget transactions for the next fiscal year.

Enter a factor to use multiplying.


To raise the budget by 10 percent, enter a factor of 1.10.


Add a fixed amount in currency to the budget transactions.

See Also