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Use this form to enter, edit, or view the labor hours that were required on an operation to correct a nonconformance.

Navigating the form

The following tables provide descriptions for the controls in this form.




Enter, edit, or view the labor hours that were required on an operation to correct a nonconformance.

Edit or view a selected time sheet entry of labor hours that were required on an operation to correct a nonconformance.




View the nonconformance record that required labor hours on an operation to correct the nonconformance.

Enter or view the date for the time sheet entry of labor hours.

Select or view the employee that performed the labor hours on an operation to correct the nonconformance.

Enter or view the labor hours that were required on an operation to correct the nonconformance.

Select whether the labor hours have been invoiced. The selection represents information purposes only.

Select the relevant sales order when you indicate that the labor hours have been invoiced. The field can be blank and represents information purposes only.

Display the calculated total cost of the labor hours that were required on an operation to correct the nonconformance. The hourly rate is defined in the field on the form.

See Also