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Use this form to enter retirement information for an employee.

The availability of the boxes under on the tab varies depending on the type of plan selected in the list.

The and display the percentage of the employee's paycheck that is directed to a retirement fund or pension plan each pay period:

  • The value displayed in the box is the percentage of the employee's paycheck that is withheld each pay period.

  • The value displayed in the box is the percentage that the employer contributes toward the employee's pension or retirement fund each pay period.

Navigating the form

The following tables provide descriptions for the controls in this form.




Overview tab

View and edit retirement information about employees.

General tab

View and edit retirement information about the employee selected on the tab.




Enter a unique identification code for the payroll category.

Select the pension plan type.

Enter the name of the private pension company affiliated with the pension plan. You must do so only if you selected the option in the box.

Enter the date on which the pension plan begins.

Enter the date on which the pension plan expires.

The related employee.

Pension plan contract number.

By setting the length of this extended data type ( AmountMST) you can control how many characters are available for all amount fields that inherit from this type.

The standard display length is set to 20 characters, and 20 decimals. If the field is set to 0, the default Microsoft Windows setting is used.

Adjust and according to the:

  • Need for displaying large amounts

  • Currencies that the company uses.

Figure specified in percentage.

Figure specified in percentage.