Use this form to display financial information in a currency other than the default company currency.


  1. Click the currency code link on the status bar in the Microsoft Dynamics AX workspace .

    Note Note

    The currency code link displays the company's standard currency code, such as EUR or USD.

  2. To display the transaction amounts in another currency, double-click the currency code.

  3. To redisplay the transaction amounts in the company currency, click .

Navigating the form

The following tables provide descriptions for the controls in this form.




Set transaction amounts to the company currency.




Select the date for which to use the exchange rate from the currency exchange rate table.

Create or view a code for the selected currency.

Note Note

This field can contain up to three characters.

Examples of currency codes include:

  • USD - United States dollar

  • DKK - Danish Kroner

  • CAD - Canadian dollar

Enter a description for the currency, which is printed on checks.

Examples of descriptions include:

  • United States dollars

  • Danish kroners

  • Canadian dollars

Enter text to be printed before the amount in the given currency.

Enter text to be printed after the amount in the given currency.