Microsoft Dynamics AX and the Enterprise Portal framework include customizable home pages called Role Centers. Role Centers display specific data, reports, alerts, and common tasks associated with a user's role in the organization. Users can access Role Centers from the Microsoft Dynamics AX client or from an Enterprise Portal Web site.

Default user profiles are available for various roles in the organization, such as chief financial officer and accounting manager. These profiles contain role-specific information, and determine the content that is displayed on Role Center pages. You must select the profiles that you want to use in your Microsoft Dynamics AX system.

Open the form from the initialization checklist or click > > > .

After you import user profiles, you must do the following:

  • Install Role Centers and the Enterprise Portal framework, if they are not already installed.

  • Configure Role Centers. For more information, see the Microsoft Dynamics AX System and Application Setup Help ( Microsoft Dynamics AX> Help> System and Application Setup).