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Use this form to edit, print, and post the collection letter proposals that you generate in the form.

Tasks that use this form

Navigating the form

The following tables provide descriptions for the controls in this form.




Overview tab

The collection letter proposals are ordered by collection letter code and, within each collection letter code, by the automatically generated date.

Note Note

Each collection letter proposal line contains the highest collection letter code that is shown by the transactions that it includes for collection.

General tab

View or edit additional information about the selected collection letter.

Address tab

View or edit the address information for the selected collection letter.

View or edit the transactions that are included in the selected collection letter.

View or edit the note that is attached to the selected collection letter.

Dimension tab

View or change the dimension values for the selected collection letter.




View, by voucher number, the ledger transactions that are related to the selected collection letter.

Cancel the selected collection letter.

Post the selected collection letter.

Print the selected collection letter.




Select the check box to activate the and fields.

Select the check box to view only printed collection letters.

The number of the current collection letter.

The date of the current collection letter. The field is updated automatically on the date specified when the collection letter is generated.

The collection letter code for the current collection letter.

The customer account for the collection letter.

The status of the current collection letter. Also used when you select which collection letter status to view.

Available status codes:

  • – The collection letter job has been executed.

  • – The collection letter has been posted.

  • – The collection letter was canceled.

Specifies whether the current collection letter has been printed.

The name of the customer for the collection letter.

The language of the collection letter.

Select this check box to block the customer from further invoicing.

Note Note

Blocking must be canceled manually in the form.

The posting profile for the current transaction.

The currency code for the current collection letter.

Note Note

The currency used for the collection letter is always the currency selected in the customer form.

The charge for the collection letter in the default currency, excluding any sales tax.

Note Note

The currency used for the collection letter fee is always the currency selected in the customer form.

The voucher number in the ledger. When the collection letter is updated, this field is updated automatically.

The number sequence from which the current collection-letter number originates.

Select or type the payment code generated in the form.

The due date of the transaction.

The sales tax code for the collection letter. Define the sales tax code in the form.

The item sales tax group of the current transaction. Define the tax group using the form.

The sales tax code printed on the voucher.

The date that the current collection letter was printed.

The date for updating the collection letter is automatically entered.

The cancellation date for the collection letter.

The street name of the customer's address.

The ZIP/postal code of the customer's address.

Note Note

This information is retrieved automatically from the invoice account's base data and cannot be changed on the collection letter.

The city of the customer's address.

The county of the customer's address. This information is retrieved from the invoice account and cannot be changed on the collection letter.

The where the collection letter is being sent. This information is retrieved from the invoice account's base data and cannot be changed on the collection letter.

The country or region of the customer's address.This information is retrieved from the invoice account's base data and cannot be changed on the collection letter.

The customer's address. This information is retrieved from the invoice account's base data and cannot be changed on the collection letter.

The ledger voucher number for the transaction.

The date of the transaction for which a collection letter is being issued.

The invoice number for the transaction, if any.

The due date for the transaction.

The currency code of the original transaction.

The amount that the collection letter is calculated from.

The unsettled amount of the original transaction.

Select this check box if you want the current overdue sum to be collected.

The collection letter code to be included in the collection letter.

The transaction text from the transaction that is the basis of the collection letter.

The note attached to the collection letter.

Dimension value for the transaction.

Dimension value for the transaction.

Dimension value for the transaction.