Use this form to specify the details of the payment fees for the payment step that is selected in the field.
Navigating the form
The following tables provide descriptions for the controls in this form.
Tab |
Description |
Create or view the identifications for payment fee handling for the payment step that is selected in the field. |
View the tab information for the identification that is selected on the tab of the upper pane. |
Field |
Description |
Enter an identification for the fee. |
Enter a description for the fee. |
Enter a text to use for the transaction. |
If financial cost is selected in , select an account number for posting in ledger. |
Select a method of payment to be used for the actual payment fee. |
Enter the identification of the step in the payment flow. |
Select whether you want to charge customer, or use a financial cost. |
Select if is selected in the drop-down list. Select if is selected in the drop-down list. Skip if is selected in the drop-down list. |
Enter the minimum transaction amount to activate the fee. |
Enter the maximum transaction amount to activate the fee. |
Select the calculation method. Select or . |
Currency code for fee. |
Groupings used to select bank information:
Date interval for fee calculation. |
Date interval for fee calculation. |
Size of the fee in percentage of the payment or amount for one payment. |
If a financial cost is selected, a sales tax group and an item sales tax group can be selected to generate the relevant sales taxes. If sales tax is calculated, the net amount is posted on a ledger account, and the sales tax amount is posted on a sales tax account. |