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Use the report to display permissions for a selected user within a specific company. Use this report to verify permissions for a specific user before you make changes. You may also use this report to create a consistent permissions policy within a group.
To generate a report:
Select a user ID and a company account.
Select an option in the drop-down list to specify the report details. For a comprehensive report, select .
Use the drop-down list to filter menu items and security keys. These filters include the following:
– Microsoft Windows-related security elements, sorted alphabetically.
– All security elements, including Web-specific elements, such as activity centers, deployment options, and cross functions, sorted alphabetically.
– Functions that are relevant for the individual countries/regions, sorted alphabetically.
– Functions that are structured according to the Add-ins menu within the Microsoft Dynamics AX application runtime.
– Functions that are structured according to the main menu within the Microsoft Dynamics AX application runtime.
– Functions that are structured according to the Task panes menu within the Microsoft Dynamics AX application runtime.
– Functions that are structured according to the Tools menu within the Microsoft Dynamics AX application runtime.
– Functions that are structured according to the Work center - Job menu within the Microsoft Dynamics AX application runtime.
– Functions that sort menu items related to a given workflow with the correct permissions.
To change the current output medium and its properties, click .
Click OKto generate the report.