Use this form to record details about the lending of fixed assets within the company.

Fixed asset lending details can be viewed in inquiries and printed in the and the report.

Navigating the form

The following tables provide descriptions for the controls in this form.




Overview tab

Create and view lending records for the fixed asset that is selected in . Record the employee who borrowed the fixed asset, the , , and .

General tab

Select or view the location of the fixed asset and the tab information for the lending record that is selected on the tab.

Dimension tab

Select the dimensions that the fixed asset is assigned to during the lending record period that is selected on the tab.




The date that the fixed asset was lent to an employee.

The date that the fixed asset is expected to be returned.

The date that the fixed asset was returned. If the field is empty, the fixed asset is still on loan.

The employee who has the fixed asset on loan.

The new fixed asset number.

The location of the fixed asset.

Select a dimension. Your options are Department, Cost center, or Purpose.

Select a dimension. Your options are Department, Cost center, or Purpose.

Select a dimension. Your options are Department, Cost center, or Purpose.