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Use this form to view a list of all item requirements that were calculated during the last master scheduling. A requirement is stated as a planned order for a specific item.

You can filter and display the item requirements in various ways - by vendor group or item group, for example. You can also analyze long and short term item requirements and use this information to enter into framework agreements with vendors and subcontractors.

Navigating the form

The following tables provide descriptions for the controls in this form.




Overview tab

View item requirements for the specified plan. Requirements are displayed according to the values you enter in the field group at the top of the form.

View the requirements in graphic form. This could be the requirement for an item or the sum of all requirements, depending on how you set up the display.




Select the plan for which you want to view item requirements.

Select which item inventory dimensions to display in the form.




Filter and view item requirements by vendor and item. For each of these, you can filter on either the group or the unit level, but not on both.


Enter the time period for which you want to view item requirements. If you do not specify a time period, the form lists all the requirements.

Select how to group item requirements. For example, if you select , the requirements are grouped by week for the time period that you specify.

Select this option to view the planned order type for the requirement. You can also see whether the requirement was generated to fulfill a purchase forecast requirement.

Select whether to view a requirement by the item quantity or by the cost amount of the planned order.

The configuration of the item.

The size of the item.

The color of the item.

The warehouse where you store the items.

The planned order quantity. This can be different from the required quantity if, for example, the item has minimum order quantity set up.