The tax registers that must be presented for a reporting period are consolidated into a periodic tax register journal. You can create a new tax register journal only if all journals for previous periods have been approved.

Note Note

For more information, see (RUS) Approve the register.

  1. Click General Ledger> Journals> Tax register journal


    Fixed assets> Common Forms> Tax register journal.

  2. Press CTRL+N to create a new journal.

  3. In the Journal numberfield, enter the number of the journal.

  4. In the Description of the journalfield, enter a description for the journal.

  5. In the Period typefield, select the type of time period for which the register is created.

  6. In the Period numberfield, enter the period for which the journal is to be generated.

  7. In the Yearsfield, enter the year.

  8. Click Linesto open the Register journal linesform and create register journal lines.

    Note Note

    The Approvedcheck box is automatically selected if all the journal lines are approved in the Register journal linesform.

  9. Click Printto print the tax declarations.

  10. Press CTRL+S or close the form.

    Note Note

    To delete an unapproved journal, click Delete rowsin the Register journal linesform to delete the journal lines, and then delete the journal in the Tax register journalform.

See Also