When goods are purchased from European Union countries, the output VAT must be paid to the tax authority within the VAT period for the document date, which is the date that the sales invoice is issued. You can deduct the input VAT only when the goods are received and the corresponding receipt document is posted for the received date. You can use the document date as the date of VAT register for intra-community purchase transactions when the transactions are posted with the sales tax direction.
Click Accounts payable> Setup> Parameters.
Click the Ledger and sales taxtab, and select the EU sales tax for Spanish invoicescheck box to activate intra-community sales tax.
Select the Document date for intra-community VATcheck box to copy the document date to the date of VAT register for intra-community VAT transactions.
When the VAT output transaction is posted with the sales tax payable direction, the document date (issue date) is used as the date of VAT register. When the receipt document is posted for the transaction with the sales tax receivable direction, the receiving document date is used as the date of VAT register. The receiving document date cannot be before the issue date, but if the document issue date and document receipt date for the VAT transaction are within the same VAT period, the date of the VAT register can be same for both VAT output and input VAT transactions.
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