You can set up bank account details for a customer using the Bank accountsform.
Click Accounts receivable> Common Forms> Customer Details.
Click Setup, and then select the Bank accountsmenu item to open the Customer bank accountsform.
Press CTRL+N to create a new line, and then enter the required details.
In the Routing numberfield, enter the routing number of the customer bank.
Click the Generaltab.
In the SWIFT codefield, enter the bank identifier code used for foreign transactions.
In the IBANfield, enter the international customer bank account number.
You can enter a maximum of 34 alphanumeric characters.
In the Corr. bank accountfield, enter the correspondence bank account number.
In the Where Corr. Account is openedfield, enter the name of the organization where the bank correspondence account is held.
In the Namefield, under the Correspondent bank identificationgroup field, enter the bank name for the correspondence bank.
In the Bank account numberfield, enter the bank account number for the correspondence bank.
In the Addressfield, enter the bank address for the correspondence bank.
In the SWIFTfield, enter the SWIFT code for the correspondence bank.
In the Namefield, under the Intermediate bank identificationgroup field, enter the bank name for the intermediate bank.
In the Bank account numberfield, enter the bank account number for the intermediate bank.
In the Addressfield, enter the bank address for the intermediate bank.
In the SWIFTfield, enter the SWIFT code for the intermediate bank.
Select the Defaultcheck box if the intermediary bank account is the default bank for the currency.
Press CTRL+S or close the form.